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Solane Star
Co-Conscious with Oneness
Co-Conscious with Oneness

Posts : 2152

PostSubject: INHERITORS OF THE EARTH    INHERITORS OF THE EARTH  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 1:08 am


How expansive are we? How vast can we allow ourselves to feel? What are we holding on to that limits our potentially unlimited awareness? How far into the future does our vision span and how far back into the past are we willing to extend our awareness? Who and what are we siding with right now that prevent us from identifying with all that we perceive? These are important questions to ask because our answers determine what species we belong to.

Yes, you read correctly; what "species".

It is an illusion that all human beings are of the same species. Just because a certain group run amok on this planet behaving as if their presence is the only one of consequence does not mean this is true. It does not mean this is who and what we all are. It is a big mistake is to be so transfixed by such an outer spectacle of ignorance and arrogance as to assume that we are all like this. Our authentic identity expands beyond our current appearance, behavior, and life circumstances, and way beyond the limiting image of ourselves that is fed to us by this "modern" world.

Sure, we are all "one", like fingers protruding together on a hand. However, each finger is different and has unique purpose. Just because "the pointing finger" becomes the most active does not mean the whole hand is made up of pointing fingers. In the same light, just because a particular species of human behave as if their agenda is the only one that counts, does not mean it is so. Our current predicament is that the whole hand is evolving, and the fingers which do not grasp this shift and consciously participate in it, no matter how important they perceive themselves to be, will fall off and become extinct.

We have to be blind, deaf, and dumb, and simultaneously living in complete denial not to realize we have entered an experience of irreversible planetary transformation. Or, we have to be so self-obsessed, self-involved, and self-deluded, that we have burnt the retinas of our hindsight, foresight, and insight.

Even though it is still possible for many of us to behave as if nothing is changing, as if everything can be held in place according to what we believe makes us happy, the escalating shifts evident in the natural world blatantly defy this stance. The increasingly chaotic behavior of the natural world cannot be concealed or controlled. Selective news broadcasting and media packaging is impotent because "the weather is everywhere"; it now daily reflects an escalating planetary transformation even if we continue to pretend we are not aware of it. The natural world is immune to being an accomplice in propping up our small-minded agendas. We cannot bribe or barter with the elements; they are devout disciples honoring a pathway that pays no homage to humanities illusions.

It is time to wake up and smell the chaos.

Fortunately, not all humans are disturbed by this escalation of disorder. Many of us have watched patiently for this glorious moment in time. We have lived quietly, hidden for hundreds of years, with our internal eye fixed on the inner horizon, knowing this dawn would come to reawaken us from unconscious reactivity into conscious responsibility. We have watched patiently as heartless inhumane animals run amok, parading as intelligence and pretending that the multiverse could be consumed, controlled, and raped into production-line agendas. We know better; this reign of unconsciousness shall pass like one season into another.

We who quietly watch this outer spectacle are of a different species; we are in human form not inhumane form. We are humane in form.

We have watched as even our own brothers and sisters have been co-opted into this spell of self-deceit, completely forgetting themselves and joining the advance into insanity. Not one of us has been immune from resonance of this madness; each of us at some point in our many recent incarnations have slipped into an unconscious sleep and behaved as if there is something real to be gained from parceling up the earth for profit. We have all had our moments of being consumed by the hypnotic idea that we are only here "to get and take". At some point all of us have foolishly slipped into believing the multiverse can be put on our payroll. Fortunately, enough of us have stayed awake through these darkened ages to keep the lighthouses of consciousness burning so that we did not all completely buy into such illusions of grandeur. Now, at long last, we are at the very edge of this dark night. We now enter the coldest moment just before dawn when the only warmth that can sustain us must emanate from within our own hearts. We are now getting to the heart of the matter.

Many of us on this planet often talk of "extraterrestrials"; beings or entities that supposedly originate from other galaxies or dimensions. We look "out there" for ships, crafts, answers, saviors, and rescuers. In our desperate outer seeking we are always deceptively shown exactly what we think we are looking for, but never what we truly seek; ourselves.

We are already here.

We have been here for so long that inhumane human history cannot contain the point of our origin. We are pure consciousness. We know about the tides of time and the cycles of the multiverse. We work within the multiversal currents and not in a state of separation from them. The flow and changing of our seasons extend well beyond three-month cycles; we honor 13 000 year cycles, 26 000 year cycles, and even time frames much greater than this. We are not bound by a physical body that lasts less than 100 years; we are aligned with immortality-consciousness that transcends all physical limitations. We have no beginning or ending. Like the ocean’s tides, we know that all experiences wash in and out, in and out. We have seen many arrogant species come and go. We too, in time, have manifested as arrogance and ignorance.

Sometimes experiences wash in upon the shores of this planet that are dark and heartless. These currents bring with them a suitable environment for the formation of species that live in destructive delusion - like an infestation of parasites. We know that it is pointless to fight the ocean when such a red tide rises up and washes across this earth suffocating everything in its path. Such an experience is also an expression of the multiverse. We do not have to understand "why?" to know this. When such circumstances unfold we watch, patiently and quietly, for thousands of years if needs be. We know that as every tide washes in, so too will it recede. This is such a time. There is nothing we need do now but allow the outer events of the inhumane world to take their course. The tide of arrogance and ignorance is now washing itself out, meticulously devouring itself in its own self-kindled conflict.

We smile inwardly, knowingly, and compassionately at those who would seek to "save the world". This is a noble but misguided intent. Why would one want to save arrogance and ignorance, or anything constructed upon its foundations, unless one was arrogant and ignorant? We are grateful to let this world die. We are grateful as we watch chaos rise up to devour chaos. We are not attached to the transient personality expressed by form. We are grateful to let this frequency of unconscious insensitivity devour and neutralize itself. This age of the heartlessness, of control and sedation mentality, is almost over. It has served its purpose. Not even the strongest weapons can defend against the inevitable outward movements of these tides of time for all weapons are intimately part of its self-decay. Many inhumane worlds such as this have flourished upon this earth only to become dust in the wind. Such frequencies always depart leaving a quiet and contented earth in its wake. Those who attempt to hold onto these arrogant ways invariably have their limbs ripped off and subsequently bleed to death. Trying to save such a world is like trying to put a band-aid on an amputated limb.

There is no bunker deep enough in which to hide from the condition of our own heart. there is no place on earth remote enough to escape the consequences of our accumulated thoughts, words, and deeds.

This is how the tide washes out and takes all arrogance, ignorance, and selfishness with it: it unleashes the full and uncompromising impact of "the law of consequence". There is no "Judge" that will reside over any of us other than consequences of our accumulated thoughts, words, and deeds. The only way to remain buoyant as the waters of transformation engulf the world is therefore to face ourselves honestly and take full responsibility for the quality of our experience. All the grief, anger, and fear we have seeded into our experience is recorded like a tattoo in our own heart. Only by taking responsibility for this energetic condition and being willing to feel the full extent of it are we healed of it, transformed by it, and liberated through it.

Now, more than ever, if we do not consciously turn our attention inward and feel the authentic condition of our own heart, we unconsciously manifest a reflection of our grief, anger, and fear in the world around us. If we then interact outwardly with this reflection, our physicality is destroyed by the ensuing and escalating conflict our delusions fuel. Without a physical form we cannot anchor our awareness and facilitate our reawakening into vibrational consciousness. If we lose our body we miss the boat and continue to drift unconsciously like algae upon the tides of time.

Those of us ready and willing to make the transition into vibrational consciousness know that "there is no way over or around anything"; there is only "through". Everything we have resisted, judged, belittled, misinterpreted, manipulated, and seen as less than perfect is now going to confront us head-on.

Michael Brown

Last edited by Solane Star on Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Solane Star
Co-Conscious with Oneness
Co-Conscious with Oneness

Posts : 2152

PostSubject: Re: INHERITORS OF THE EARTH    INHERITORS OF THE EARTH  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 1:10 am

What is not God when what God is created all?

If we continue to hold fast to our grief, anger, and fear, these emotional dysfunctions manifest outwardly as threatening presences, demonic entities, and chaotic circumstances operating seemingly separate from us. This is already occurring across the entire human spectrum. This externalization of our unintegrated internal state is the seed of all human conflict and misery. As this happens to us, if we are not conscious of what is unfolding and why, we are compelled by our unconscious reactivity to enter battle with the ghosts of our unresolved past and phantoms of our fearfully projected future. This is a battle we cannot win. The shards of glass erupting from attacking such mirrored reflections always cause fatal lacerations. This precise unfolding is the mechanics of the cleansing of humanity of arrogance and ignorance.

However, this predicament need not be our demise: If we instead choose to perceive all oncoming challenges, all chaos and conflict, as deliberate opportunities to release our personal illusions and to overcome our deluded behavior, then all such encounters reveal themselves as divine, as angelically orchestrated, and as gateways into the awe of immortality-consciousness.

Our only choice NOW is between drama and Dharma.

Right now we can see this scenario unfolding in the microcosm of our personal lives and the macrocosm of the entire political, commercial, and religious spectrum. Family members, lovers, religions, business enterprises, and countries look upon each other and see dancing memories of the past and phantoms of a projected future, and they reactively attack not each other, but these ghostly illusions. Reaction always fuels further confusion, imbalance, and self-destruction. All who enter these unconscious outer duels of unintegrated memory, instead of consciously processing them internally, ignite an inevitable self-destructive chaos. This is "the cleansing of Kali Yuga". However, all who responsibly embrace these outer reflections of unintegrated memory as a portal into present moment awareness enter experiences of exponentially escalating joy, abundance, and health.

From this point the escalation of our personal experience in one direction or another accelerates. Either we enter escalating conflict or increasing calm.

A whole species of inhumane human is about to die off like a plague being eradicated or a useless finger dropping off an evolving hand. This culling procedure, this deliberate extinction, defies all armed forces, medical or scientific brilliance, and political maneuvering. This moment of transition is greater than the foundations upon which mortality-consciousness has constructed its empire. This wave of evolutionary energy does not consult our plans, agendas, bank accounts, projections, and religious superstitions.

God-realization is dawning and God does not pay any attention to what we believe.

Light does not discriminate when it comes upon darkness; it treats all darkness as if it is not visible, because in the bigger picture, it is not.

Every human being who believes they can find a place of safety by controlling their outer circumstances is in for a shock. The weather and geographical conditions upon the earth are the frontline forces of this transformation and increasingly demonstrate the futility of any resistance. The inhumane species who believe that money, power, religious identity or political positioning can make any difference are about to be horrified. The only condition that can make any difference now is the condition of the heart, and the heart does not lie, no matter how we attempt to physically and mentally barricade our awareness from its authentic condition.

Do not cause fear, but do feel the fear.

Do not inflict anger, but do feel the anger.

Do not hurt another, but do feel the grief.

To see this as an "end" is to miss the opening. This passageway of transformational experience through which all must pass is a divinely delivered invitation for all who know themselves to be authentic guardians of immortality-consciousness to step forward by silently, quietly, and committedly attending to their inner work. This inner work is the real IN-vasion of what threateningly appears as "extraterrestrial" to the arrogant and ignorant world that is dying. No one can stop this shift because no one can stop what they cannot perceive; all authentic inner work is invisible. No one can even comprehend what is happening unless they consciously participate.

The inherent beauty of this moment is that there is nothing to "do".

Our species of humane human know that all we require is freely given and effortlessly received through embodying a state of being; being here, now, conscious, alert, and responsible. There is no need to fear the outcome of our inevitable outer evolution because it is a consequence of our pre-determined inner transformation. This planet always overcomes and blossoms in all its glory once the dust of such an evolutionary process settles. From the chaos and seemingly endless calamity we shall once again fully re-awaken into immortality-consciousness and its resonance of "no order of difficulty". Through this unlimited miracle-mindedness "the garden" returns; laughter bubbles up from the decay of the red tide; children are again born into a world in which they are loved for who they are and not for what they are expected to become; food once again becomes our medicine and all activity our joy; and everything reveals itself to be an expression of God just as God-consciousness is recognized as The Source of everything. This unfolding vision is inevitable; it too is a tide that flows in and out. Now is its time to flow in again.

These are the most challenging of moments for all who have watched so long for the tide of humane consciousness to return. The rising currents of the planetary chaos are the signal. Societal disorder and decay are the many lighthouses that reveal a looming shore beyond the uncertain sea of human misery. Our task within these transitional moments is to ride steadfast upon the certainty of our inner knowings. Let others not drag us down into the cold waters of despair with their fatalistic apocalyptic mentality. We must now be greater than we have allowed ourselves to perceive ourselves. We must allow ourselves to feel our eternal past and endless future stretching out in all directions. Through inner work we are to gracefully step beyond the grasp of outer conflict and into the ever-welcoming embrace of stillness and silence.

We must take no side, but instead pay attention to our inside.

The only safe place now is the quiet calm of a balanced heart.

Our humane human species watches patiently in this manner; unseen and requiring no defense. This is the awesome magnificence of this age: darkness dissolves effortlessly into light as arrogance and ignorance are swallowed up within a conflict that serves only to devour conflict. We need do nothing but be alert, patient, and willing to "feel it all to heal it all".

As this transformation unfolds, and as we calmly bide our time within its all-encompassing flow, it may appear outwardly to others that we are meek. Yet, we are not; we are the inheritors of the earth.

Michael Brown

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